Monday, October 26, 2009


I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with good sense, reason, and intellect, has intended us to forego their use. (Galileo)

Galileo said that only falsehood need fear scrutiny and "skeptical investigation." He believed that truth is strong enough to withstand any opposition. This implies that truth is a stand-alone entity, not subject to individual interpretation, and that kind of goes against the modern school of thought implying all truth is subjective, depending on the person and circumstances surrounding it.

For example, Mahatma Gandhi suggested that everyone has to look into their own hearts and be "guided by the truth" as they see it there, and that no one has the right to force others to accept their particular version of the truth. There is nothing wrong with this stance as long as everyone keeps their opinions to themselves and as long as they take Henry James' advice about, "The first thing to learn in intercourse with others is non-interference with their own peculiar ways of being happy, provided their ways do not presume to interfere by violence with ours."

But if we all have our own individual versions of truth, then how can we ever achieve unification or come to a concensus about truth? And why would we even want to, you may ask? The reason I think it is important to first define and then agree upon what is true/truth is because I personally think there may actually be something to the new branch of science of Noetics. I certainly do not ever want to lose our individual traits and abilities or become clones of one another, but a unified belief system or shared values would go a long way to creating a peaceful planet.

So which is it? Is there such a thing as basic truth, unchangeable and irrefutable? Or is truth always in the eye of the beholder, or in a state of constant flux? Is the truth subjective or is it only waiting to be discovered? Or is it general acceptance of a fact that makes it true, as when we all thought the world was flat, ala Aristotle, until first Copernicus then Galileo et al proved otherwise? First things first, I guess. Nosce te ipsum ... Know Thyself. That's what I hope this blog becomes for me ... a journey of self-discovery and shared knowledge, a common ground truth forum that benefits as many as want to join me on my search for truth.

What Is Truth: The Phoenix Phyles

"What is Truth?" said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer.

Thus begins Sir Francis Bacon's Essay number one, "Of Truth," and from there he goes on to explain why, to so many people, the lie is more palatable than, even preferable to, the truth. That is, I think he was saying that most people do not want to hear it nor do they have the energy or time to pursue it.

I have lived long enough to value, at the very least, the pursuit of truth. Whether I will ever find it in whole or in part, only time will tell. I created this blog to ask others to share their truths with me and others about life, love, worship, music, art and beauty, the things that feed the intellect and expand the soul ... and because I am a seeker and not an authority, I humbly offer my site to those who may have insights I have never thought of and ask that they respectfully share that knowledge with me before I leave this world with only the little store of truth I now possess.

I should tell you that I was lost for a long time in a religion created by men, the Mormon Church, which had me convinced that I had all of the truth and knowledge I would ever need. From the age of eight until last year, I actually felt sorry for and looked down upon all other schools of religious thought because I firmly believed that I knew everything I needed to know about how to live this life, even though my life was not at all perfect and had several areas in need of serious tweaking.

However, the veil of ignorance was removed from my eyes last year when I discovered sites like Dr. Jim Day's Trials of Ascension, Mormonthink and others, who exposed the LDS church for what is was and convinced me it was false. I still believe in God but now I have to start from Ground Zero and this time, please, I want to know the truth.

"Trust those who are seeking the truth ... beware of those who say they have found it." Amen. I believe our time on this planet is drawing to a close. It isn't just the "2012" scenario or the greenhouse effect/global warming or anything you might think would trigger such a statement. I just have a gut feeling, all Mormon prophecies of apocalyptic doom aside, that a new age is coming and I want to be prepared.

Are you interested? Do you know something to be true and real and everlasting? Something that we can take with us into the next life ... if there is one. Do you know if there is? Help me find the truth that has eluded me and most of us for so long. I have read the writings of great men and women and have a considerable collection that I would like to share with you beginning tomorrow. To steal a thought from Eliza R. Snow's hymn, "The time is far spent, there is little remaining." I still have twins to raise, children with autism. I have a job to do and I work hard everyday. I have a good and kind man who loves me but in spite of these blessings, I wonder and worry about the future, and I feel woefully unprepared for what lies ahead.

Peace be with you, now and always. I look forward to hearing from you. Fiat lux.
"Trust those who are seeking the truth ... beware of those who say they have found it."
(Andre Gide)